


这部电影让人情绪起伏以及难以忘怀,多亏了在奥斯卡提名了12次 的Roger Deakins的出色的拍摄,它在陈述与黑暗的贩毒集团之间的斗争的同时,既能够引发我们的深思又不失紧张刺激感。在《明日边缘》穿着满身的金属盔甲女汉 子了一把之后,Emily Blunt又向我们展示了她在动作片里是多么的如鱼得水,不过其中最出彩的还是那个神秘的杀手Alejandro,由Benicio del Toro饰演,这可以算是他自《毒品网络》奥斯卡奖后最好的一次演出了。



《间谍之桥》当中没有任何性感诱人的元素,但这也是它的亮点之 一。这部电影是基于科恩兄弟所写的一个真实事件而改变的,冷战时期的间谍交换活动是一盘充满智慧,以及需要相互配合的棋,需要很好的耐心,同时也能触发道 德层面和人性上的一些严肃问题的思考。Tom Hanks在其中饰演的仍是Jimmy Stewart式的好人律师James B. Donovan,他需要以美国被俘虏的人员与苏联间谍Rudolf Abel之间的交换事件进行谈判,其中Rudolf Abel由出色的演员Mark Rylance饰演。另外的一个加分点则是,本片的著名导演Steven Spielberg在这种经典类型的成熟性电影的制作上有令人钦佩的技艺,往往大受认可。



这个系列在两次欠佳的续集之后,第三次尝试则大为吸引人。和所 有的主题公园一样,侏罗纪世界带你走上了一条狂野,充满暴戾的咆哮声,被真的真的真的特别吓人的恐龙包围的参观之路。带领你们的人则是大红大紫,蒸蒸日上 的明星Christ Pratt(除非你居然对《银河护卫队》有什么意见),他完全唤起了大家潜藏的记忆,也唤起了那些恐龙。总之,只要向大家保证在续集里没有那些穿着高跟鞋 哒哒哒地疯跑的无语场景,就够了,是吧?



在Alicia Vikandar,Domhnall Gleeson和Oscar Isaac细腻自然的出色演绎之下,Alex Garland的导演处女作用科幻的手段使其达到了最为发人深省的境界。不像一贯科幻片用各种机器人在各种大爆炸中上演动作片的套路,《机械姬》是在人工 智能领域的一次向世界的警示,也是一次对人与机器之间越来越令人不安的斗争的实验检测。



即使你把那些标志性的歌曲从电影中拿掉,这个N.W.A.嘻哈 团队的经历还是那么的充满激情。在F. Gary Gray的火热的指导下,以及那些突破性的表演下,比如用O’Shea Jackson Jr来饰演他的父亲Ice Cube,这部电影向我们展示了黑帮犯罪横行的嘻哈音乐的转折点,以及他们是怎么向世界进行反抗的。这不仅仅是对那个时代的严肃清楚的展现,也使它真切地 融入到了现实生活当中去了。



来看看Amy Schumer是怎么给我们带来浪漫喜剧系列现在急需的创新的。这部电影对现在的婚姻制度一夫一妻进行了大胆以及愤世嫉俗式改变,并且女主也觉得这种新的 生活状态理所当然。这部喜剧带给人的感觉就和Amy带来的一样,像爽口的碳酸饮料一样酸酸甜甜。另外,这部电影还向大家展现出了运动员也能当演员这一事 实,其中篮球明星詹皇,以及WWE摔跤冠军John Cena都有出演。



这部电影则是经典系列《洛奇》精彩续作。本片中曾被洛奇打败的重量级拳 王Apollo的儿子Adonis Creed以自己的一套找到了已退出拳击界的Rocky Balboa来指导自己。这部别样的“洛奇七”第七次延续洛奇的传奇,唤起了仍旧没有改变的坚忍不拔的精神,同时演员Michael B. Jordan也通过自己那振奋人心的演出使其传达出了属于自己的粉碎性的力量与精力。同时也塑造了几个非常难以忘怀的场景,比如那难以磨灭的一击必杀。这 部电影也为史泰龙这个硬汉附上了一种别样的柔情,他非常出色地驾驭了导师这个定位角色。



本片由Patricia Highsmith的小说《盐的代价》改编,讲述了五十年代两个女人之间的爱情。而Todd Haynes的浪漫音乐爱情电影也算是他2002年的经典电影《远离天堂》的姊妹篇。这部电影由同样有范的Cate Blanchett和Rooney Mara在各精致的场景拍摄,是对美好憧憬与希望的充满诗意的沉思。也许其中最为深刻的,也是最让你心疼的是,Carol和Therese之间的故事在当 今世界仍能够引起那么多的共鸣。



本片由Colm Toibin的同名小说改编,这个老式的简单故事在导演John Crowley手上绽放光彩,它由一个完美的演员Saoirse Ronan主演,她饰演的Eilis是一个年轻的爱尔兰女性,在1952年移民到美国。《布鲁克林》用这个凄美动人的故事向大家展示了,无论你来自哪里, 欢乐和艰苦都是并存的。不过这部电影最成功的地方估计还是它会让你忘记饰演Eilis那个迷人的追求者Tony的演员Emory Cohen就是《名声大噪》里面的Leo。



纵观目前为止所有的动作片,很难找到有比这部狂暴之 路好很多的片子。这是一个芭蕾舞和疯狂与混乱的视觉盛宴,George Miller塑造出来的世界末日的景象甚至不需要什么电脑特效就能轻易地把你带入到沙漠的无尽狂热当中去。不过这部电影最好的以及最大胆的突破,则是它颠 覆性的女性主义叙事。是的Tom Hardy饰演的确实是主要角色,但是狂暴之路真正的英雄则是Charlize Theron饰演的牛逼哄哄的Furiosa。



今年没有任何其他的电影能够像这部《房间》一样静静地陪伴你。这部电影 由Emma Donoghue的同名小说改编,讲述了一个被绑架的女人和她5岁的儿子是怎么从一个困了她许久,困了她儿子一生的小房间里逃出来的。这个令人伤感的故事 是情感的压榨与发泄,但是最终它能够引发人们对爱情,应变力以及想象力的深刻沉思。Brie Larson就跟她饰演的那个母亲Ma一样伟大,而9岁的Jacob Tremblay在慢慢地发现世界原来并不局限在这个小房间里,是无限大的,就像母亲与孩子之间的爱一样的过程中,他的演出是那么细致动人,将会让你心 碎,触及到你的灵魂。



如果你期待着从这部影片里看到这个苹果创始人的完整的一生传 记,那么你会感到失望的。Aaron Sorkin没有采用传统传记电影的方式来叙述这个天才的一生,而是将它用三段故事组成,叙述了三个产品的发布,也用这个方式向大家展示了他对这个传奇人 物那复杂,杰出,有些疯狂的远见的性格的精辟分析,就是这种性格促使他为自己,也可以说是为了除自己之外的所有人建立了一个这么一个庞大的帝国。加上 Danny Boyle的专业指导之后,Sorkin的的台词更加具有韵味,Michael Fassbender就在Kate Winslet,Seth Rogen和Jeff Daniels等出色演员的华丽团队的支持下一步步转变成了乔布斯。



从字面来看,这个标题的意思是从内至外,而这个概念是多么复杂, 简直无法想象有人会想要以这个主题来拍电影,更不用说创造出了这么一个鼓舞人心,极具创意的故事了。有了Amy Poehler,Phyllis Smith,Bill Hader,Lewis Black和Mindy Kaling为11岁的Riley脑袋里的那五种情绪的完美配音后,皮克斯的这部作品有趣,聪明,且自然而然地就提醒了我们所有的情绪,包括伤心都是必不 可少的。这些种种的情绪才让你变成了你,所以你不能忽略其中任何一种。这也是一个简单而又深刻的道理,这些情绪对孩子的影响是最大的,会伴随着他们成长。



现在很多的电影都在尝试着开辟自己独特的方式。《聚焦》电影是建立在普 利策奖获得者波士顿环球时报团队所报道事件上的,揭露了天主教会长达数十年的秘密性虐待。演员阵容豪华,包括Mark Ruffalo,Michael Keaton,Rachel McAdams,Brian D’Arcy James,John Slattery,Live Schreiber和Stanley Tucci,这个事件的发展决绝直接,同时也充分地展示了他们的努力与付出,决心,以及那些真的非常擅长自己的本职工作的人们。在这个微博网络横行,以及 各媒体都争做第一的时代,《聚焦》完完全全展示了新闻调查在这个年代是如何一步步在那些看似乏味繁杂的信息当中深入挖掘,以及坚定地发掘那些隐藏极深的秘 密的力量与决心。



《火星救援》中包含了很多的元素与事件,但它成功地将它们全都完美 塑造了出来,并且取悦了大部分观众,所以这是一部及其罕见的好电影。Matt Damon在这里是一个谦虚聪明,很有魅力,且不乏幽默的登上了火星的宇航员。而Ridley Scott导演的这个太空事件严肃但不沉闷,可怕但不阴沉黯淡,有趣且不绝望,惊险却不低俗,易被书呆子技术宅们所接受又不与大众的生活疏离。尽管它的设 定和标题都显的颇为遥远,但是它的核心,则是一个非常人性化的生存故事,也是一场对人类的决心和聪明才智的称颂。科技真棒!


15. Sicario

Moody and haunting -- thanks to the great cinematography by 12-time Oscar nominee Roger Deakins -- the dark drug cartel thriller challenges you to think while keeping you on the edge of your seat with no shortage of tense sequences. After being a full-metal bitch, Emily Blunt again shows she"s comfortably at home in the action world, but it"s Benicio del Toro who steals the film as mysterious hitman Alejandro, giving arguably his best performance since his Oscar-winning turn in Traffic.

14. Bridge of Spies

There is nothing sexy about Bridge of Spies, but that"s the beauty of it. Based on true events and written by the Coen brothers, the Cold War spy-swap drama is a smart, engaging chess game that rewards patience and asks some tough questions about morality and humanity. Tom Hanks is in solid Jimmy Stewart-esque good guy mode as James B. Donovan, the lawyer tasked with negotiating the exchange between a POW and Soviet spy Rudolf Abel -- played by an excellent Mark Rylance -- while Steven Spielberg"s admirable craftsmanship packages this type of classic adult film that is too often taken for granted.

13. Jurassic World

After two subpar sequels, the third time was the charm. Like any good theme park, World takes you on a wild, rip-roaring ride with honest-to-God terrifying dinosaurs, led by a big-time superstar turn from Chris Pratt (in case you still had any doubts after Guardians of the Galaxy) that has fully reawakened the dormant franchise. Just promise to do away with the whole running-away-in-high-heels thing in the sequel, OK, guys?

12. Ex Machina

With a sleek flair and stellar performances by Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac, Alex Garland"s directorial debut is sci-fi at its most thought-provoking. Rather than rely on the usual explosive action sequences with villainous robots, Ex Machina is a cautionary tale on artificial intelligence and an examination on the increasingly disturbing struggle between man and machine.

11. Straight Outta Compton

Even if you take the iconic rhymes out of the equation, the N.W.A. biopic is just as incendiary and potent. Under the fierce direction of F. Gary Gray and featuring breakthrough performances, including O"Shea Jackson Jr. as his dad Ice Cube, Compton throbs with urgency as it traces a critical turning point in gangsta rap and galvanizes you to fight the system. It is both soberingly of its time and more socially relevant than ever.

10. Trainwreck

Leave it to Amy Schumer to give us the fresh take on rom-coms that the genre desperately needed. A frank, cynical spin on modern sexual politics with an unapologetic heroine to boot, the comedy is as delightfully sweet and sour as the drinks Amy downs. Plus: The movie thoroughly disproves the notion that athletes can"t act, making complete scene-stealers out of LeBron James and John Cena.

9. Creed

For a film about legacy, Creed is an excellent addition to Rocky"s. The seventh entry in the franchise, the drama -- which follows Adonis Creed, the illegitimate son of Apollo, as he works his way into the ring with Rocky Balboa in his corner -- evokes the same gritty underdog spirit of the original while establishing its own pulverizing energy through a rousing performance by Michael B. Jordan and some truly unforgettable fight scenes, including one indelible one-take bout. Giving the Italian Stallion a tough tenderness, Sylvester Stallone also settles nicely into the mentor role as the backbone and heart of Creed.

8. Carol

An adaptation of Patricia Highsmith"s groundbreaking novel The Price of Salt -- about a love affair between two women in the "50s -- Todd Haynes" romantic melodrama is a companion piece of sorts to his 2002 gem Far From Heaven. Sumptuously shot and led by the equally exquisite Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, Carol is a poetic meditation on longing and hope. Perhaps most powerfully, it makes your heart ache as you realize how much of Carol and Therese"s story resonates today.

7. Brooklyn

Based on Colm Tóibín"s novel of the same name, the old-fashioned drama is a simple story brought to luminous life by director John Crowley and a perfectly cast Saoirse Ronan, who plays Eilis, a young Irishwoman immigrating to America in 1952. Poignant and moving, Brooklyn drives home the point that the joys and hardships of change are universal, regardless of where you"re from. But the film"s biggest accomplishment might just be making you forget that Emory Cohen, as Eilis" charming suitor Tony, is the same person who played Leo on Smash.

6. Mad Max: Fury Road

As far as action films go, it doesn"t get much better than Fury Road. A visual feast of balletic and manic mayhem, George Miller"s post-apocalyptic spectacle needs no GCI to put you in the middle of the desert frenzy. The film"s best and boldest attribute, however, is its subversive feminist narrative. Tom Hardy might play the titular character, but Fury Road"s true hero is Charlize Theron"s take-no-prisoners badass Imperator Furiosa.

5. Room

No movie this year sits with you like Room does. Adapted by Emma Donoghue from her novel of the same name -- about a kidnapped woman and her 5-year-old son who escape from the shed he has known his whole life -- the harrowing drama is an emotionally draining but ultimately uplifting rumination on love, resilience and imagination. Brie Larson is tremendous as Ma and 9-year-old Jacob Tremblay crushes your soul as Jack as he slowly discovers that the world is as boundless as the love between mother and child.

4. Steve Jobs

You might be disappointed if you go into Steve Jobs expecting a full biopic on the Apple co-founder. Aaron Sorkin instead takes a genius impressionistic route, dividing his script into a theatrical three acts set at three product launches, to offer an incisive character study into the complicated, brilliant and maddening visionary who built an empire because of -- and in spite of -- himself. Danny Boyle"s electrifying direction gives even more rhythm to Sorkin"s delicious rat-tat-tat words, while the cast, which includes Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen and Jeff Daniels, dazzles behind Michael Fassbender"s towering turn as Jobs.

3. Inside Out

The concept of Inside Out is so complex, you can"t believe someone managed to make a movie out of it, let alone come up with such an awe-inspiringly inventive story for it. Featuring impeccable voice work from Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Bill Hader, Lewis Black and Mindy Kaling as the five emotions that operate inside 11-year-old Riley"s head, the Pixar masterpiece is funny, intelligent and cathartic in reminding us that our feelings, including, yes, sadness, are valid. They shape who we are and we shouldn"t ignore them. It"s a simple yet profound notion that will only reverberate more with kids as they, like Riley, grow up.

2. Spotlight

A lot of movies tend to get in their own way. Spotlight, like the Pulitzer-winning Boston GlobeSpotlight reporting team on which it"s based, never veers off its path: expose the Catholic Church"s decades-long cover-up of sex abuse. Starring an aces ensemble that includes Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Brian D"Arcy James, John Slattery, Liev Schreiber and Stanley Tucci, the drama is decidedly straightforward, but no less gripping in showcasing hard work, determination and people who are just damn good at their jobs. In the Twitter age of speed and "being first," Spotlight is a valentine to the tedious grind and power of the vanishing breed that is investigative journalism.

1. The Martian

The Martian is one of those rare films that does a lot of things and excels at all of them to form one wildly entertaining crowd-pleaser. With self-effacing cleverness and a charismatic turn from Matt Damon as a wisecracking astronaut marooned on Mars, the Ridley Scott space flick is serious without being ponderous, scary without being hopelessly bleak, funny without being desperate, thrilling without being cheap and digestibly nerdy without being alienating (no pun intended). And despite its otherworldly setting and title, The Martian, at its core, is a very human story of survival and a celebration of mankind"s resolve and ingenuity. Yeah, science!

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