In the cutthroat world of pro soccer, a club lives and dies by the stars on its under-21 team. They are the future and lifeblood of any franchise, but most will never make it. 21 THUNDER is the story of the Montreal Thunder U21 team, following the team"s star players on and off the field. A story of love, crime, race, sex and athletic glory, at its core the series is about how a group of players and coaches unite as family in the whirlwind of life, one step away from the pros.
※Laraton.看过※※2017-08-11※※ 看完第一集 感觉想表达的基本上表达出来了 但是人物感觉比较乱 9号的剧情比较多,而且第一场比赛两个进球的分别是一个亚洲人和黑人,应该是编剧的心思了。
※hugh看过※※2017-08-12※※ 第一集后先鼓励一下
※Dusty看过※※2017-08-12※※ 意外点进去的视频,看上去还不错,会考虑继续看下去
※蹉跎。看过※※2017-08-11※※ 通过对多个人物的生活、背景介绍,串联出整个足球联盟中,各种事件的发生原因和解决方式,是特别标准的群戏拍摄方法!但是这种“标准”的问题是:过多的人物,很难让人对某个人产生兴趣,从而产生追剧的欲望的!